Saturday, 28 May 2011

Not long now...

So I have now handed in all my assignments and only have 1 more week of lectures left before exams. All of a sudden we seem to be at the end of my year abroad. In just over a month I will have taken my exams, been to Singapore and finally be back in the UK. It all seems a bit crazy. I've been here so long now that it seems normal. I've even learnt to think in dollars rather than pounds! Only now that I'm going to be leaving soon do I feel like I want to stay a bit longer. I think I will definately be coming back to Australia one day. Perhaps when I don't have such a strict budget. I still want to go to the outback and do some more diving.

But, there are a lot of things I am looking forward to at home...

It's going to be a bit sad leaving here though. x

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